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Our companywas establishment since in 1996.Recalled the beginning, the company was founded in a chance. The predecessor of the company is simply the fruit shipped to Hong Kong from mainland sales.in the wake ofthe reformingand opening up of China, and slowly we first transformation. With the development of business, and then imported fruits to Hong Kong from overseas. In recent years, the development of the Chinesemarket, but also because the Chinese market matures. We have entered the second round of restructuring, the foreign fruit shipped to Hong Kong and the Mainland. Under the passage of time, we have witnessed the changing of market. The pursuit by the pursuit of quantity becomes quality, the pursuit of health to the food safety requirements, which have become a part of our lives. Since we started from the wholesale, so that a better understanding of people and operatingof the market.We intergenerational fortunate to live in this era, whether past or present, or future, are holding no regrets to work. The company has its own shops in Hong Kong, Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market, simultaneous agents and wholesale fruit business. We have two generations stood for decades in Hong Kong, Yau Ma Tei. The purpose is to provide you excellent, safety, health and delicious fresh fruit.